Also, that I even used the word 'Googled,' transforming a proper noun into a verb, shows that this is a medium, you can Google something. Going back 20 years, if you told someone you were going to Google something, they would look at you crazy. But today, this is a normal thing, almost everyone knows that you are doing if you tell them you Googled something.
Finally, Google is also a medium because Google can be the method of doing pretty much anything. Need directions? Google can help you. Need an image of cute puppies to cheer your roommate up after a bad day? Google again can help you. Need to purchase a house and want to find a good Realtor? Google will be helpful. Google is a medium to so many thing, without Google, most of us would be lost, literally and figuratively.
Good reflection on how we think about words and come to understand them today. Medium is absolutely central to our current discussion.. as will be "platform."