Friday, March 14, 2014


In this class, I learned many things. I learned how Apple, and other products, are expansions of the Self.  The ability to customize your products is something we take for granted. My computer is exactly how I would like it, complete with stickers I specifically place on them. Comparing my computer with the exact same one, say that Ellen has, they are completely different. These differences on the inside are our different ways of expressing ourself. These are out tools for the Self and how we expand off of our preexisting image.

The next thing I learned is how Google, and other search engines, are platforms for the Self. Google is a great tool. With this tool, you can create and build on top of it with whatever you desire. I believe search engines, such as Google, are also a way to expand your Self. Google is the base, and you are allowed to build and create anything you want from this platform.

Finally, I learned how social media, like Facebook, is a container for the Self. This is where you can create yourself any way you would like. The image of yourself you would like to portray. I also believe social medias are platforms as well, in the sense that they give you the base to start, and you have the ability to build and create the type of image you would like. I also see how something like Facebook can be an expansion of the Self. You can customize it however you would like, giving off whatever image of yourself you would like.

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